Hi. ???? Here I am. Trying to be casual about this. Not awkward. Everything’s fine. Bentonite clay is a traditional clay with many uses for healing...
Ingredients > Nutrition Facts
In the early 1970’s, the FDA began to have food products labeled with what they deemed important information about the contents of the food....
Change is Hard.
This applies to so much. Having a life that is #alittlelesstoxic is about all the things. Just not all at once. It’s about not burning out...
Feeding My Children
This is such a common question. I understand. Here’s been my experience with feeding my children. I don’t get them to do anything. I make choices...
It’s Time for Change.
I’m not taking a stance on any given study. I can see with my own eyes. Kids are sicker than ever before. Allergies, asthma, obesity, diabetes,...
Dry Brushing
I’ve had this little brush for over a decade. I sometimes forget how powerful it is. The practice of dry brushing has many benefits, including:✨...
DIY Multipurpose Cleaner
A simple way to make your home #alittlelesstoxic and save some money is to make your own cleaning products. This is an everyday cleanser...
Do What You Can
Stress is toxic. Worry does not serve us. We can aim to have a less toxic life and more wellness without becoming burdened. That’s the goal here....
Dust Contains Toxins
If you follow @cleanmama you know today is dusting day in her weekly plan to help keep your home tidy. This simple practice makes a huge...
This is about freedom. Having access to information is powerful and can be overwhelming. Having access to an obscene amount of choices with food and...
Chlorine and Vitamin C
I know summer is wrapping up for many as school starts up again but it’s still warming up in SoCal and this helpful tool is really useful year...
Produce Wash
I’ve been using this simple and effective method for giving my produce a quick wash for years. While unloading a grocery haul, I fill the sink about...
Cotton Hygiene Products
Why organic????? Cotton is the most highly sprayed crop in the world since it is not used for consumption. Over 95% of cotton crops are non-organic...
Bottom Line
They’re interested in their own bottom line. ???? ???? ????We have to start to realize this. I’m feeling a shift in both of these broken systems....
By Design
“You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.”Song of Songs 4:7 It is not a flaw in our design. It is by design that...