What’s In Dust?

What’s In Dust?

Dust contains toxins. Indoor air is reported by the EPA to be up to 5x more polluted than outdoor air. We spend around 90% of our lives indoors....

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Chronic Illness

Chronic Illness

Common doesn’t mean normal. Yet I hardly know anyone in their 20’s even without some form of chronic illness. I reject the idea that most people...

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A Mindful Response

A Mindful Response

Imagine if instead of First Responders, all that arrived in an emergency were “First Reactors.” Instead of a calm and calculated approach to the...

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He said this in 1994. Before the internet was in our homes. Before it was in our hands.

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Bleach Swaps

Bleach Swaps

A little more about bleach: The main ingredient in most chlorine bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite. It’s pretty toxic. ⚠️ Bleach is a known asthmagen....

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Bleach was one of the tougher things for me to let go of. I didn’t think I could do loads of white laundry without it. It was one of the later...

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Beauty From Ashes

Beauty From Ashes

Beauty from ashes . . . While driving through some of the hills that were severely burned in the California fires last year, I was struck by tiny...

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Looking Forward

Looking Forward

Sometimes we look ahead to a special time like a birthday, a milestone, or the new year for a fresh start by lamenting over ways we feel we missed...

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Cast Iron Pans

Cast Iron Pans

I’m getting a lot of questions about cast iron. Looks like lots of you got a cast iron skillet as a gift this year! I’m so excited for you. It’s by...

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Healing Leaky Gut

Healing Leaky Gut

Do you have intestinal permeability, aka “leaky gut?” Maybe. I’d go as far as to say it’s likely most of us have some level of intestinal disruption...

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When talking about the impacts of inflammation and gut health, many of you want to know where to start. Many also want a one step approach. A quick...

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True Health

True Health

The health of your gut can impact virtually any other system or function of your body. Your gut starts at your face and ends at your bottom. It runs...

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Impact of Inflammation

Impact of Inflammation

If you were to take a piece of sandpaper and rub it across your skin once, it wouldn’t really do much. It wouldn’t hurt. It wouldn’t cut your skin...

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I was in so much pain and my doctors had no answers for me. Their solutions left my body bankrupt in ways and I had just recently almost been taken...

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