Tag: #guthealth

Long Line of Cooks

Long Line of Cooks

We all come from a long line of people who cooked. I am so enjoying seeing so many of you spending a bit more time devoting some of your minutes and energy to preparing food for yourselves and your families. Preparing food is a luxury. Things grow out of the ground...
Bacteria Is Not The Bad Guy

Bacteria Is Not The Bad Guy

Microbiome = microbial (microscopic organisms) + biome (community) These communities of tiny organisms, when properly balanced, serve and protect, rather than harm us. Bacteria play critical roles in the function of virtually every system of the body. Studies continue...
Good Bacteria

Good Bacteria

Defend. Protect. Assist. I came up with this as a way to explain to my littles how whole and living foods help our bodies to be strong. The good bacteria fight off bad bacteria and help our bodies heal, grow, and maintain balance. Bacteria in and on our bodies...
Healing Is Not Linear

Healing Is Not Linear

All healing comes with its own unique set of hurdles, setbacks, and paths to traverse. Physical, emotional, mental, or otherwise. More often than not the road to healing will have many bumps and valleys along the way. If you feel discouraged or want to give up, know...
Cheap Food

Cheap Food

Inexpensive food products aren’t exactly food. They’re man made substances made to resemble food and designed to create an addiction response. It may taste or feel good in the mouth. But it is not food. It’s food-like product. And it comes at a cost. To our health....