Tag: #microbiome

DIY Hand Sanitizer

DIY Hand Sanitizer

Hand washing with soap and water is best. Over-sanitizing is not my jam. There are occasions where this stuff is useful. Many companies have begun to make less toxic and effective hand sanitizers and I have some linked in my Hand Sanitizer Highlight. If you keep a few...
Updated Body Cleansing Spray

Updated Body Cleansing Spray

This recipe is for a 16oz container. You could easily adjust the measurements for any sized or type of container. The measurements aren’t super technical. Other favorites for this are a travel silicone goo tube or a glass pump bottle. For pre wet wipes, I prefer there...
Supporting Our Immune Systems

Supporting Our Immune Systems

☀️ Sunshine. Not too little. Not too much. What we consume & are exposed to, + our genetic make up can determine the amount of sunshine that is optimal for us. The sun is a friend and has multiple benefits to the body including improving immune function. (PMID:...


If you haven’t popped a spray top on your peroxide yet, it’s go time. I’m regularly talking about how I don’t like to disinfect or sanitize my person or my environment. My priority is protecting and preserving my health in part by maintaining the beautiful and...
99.9% of Bacteria

99.9% of Bacteria

The strongest survive. The bacteria less susceptible to conventional antibacterial and antimicrobial elimination methods live on. They multiply. They grow in numbers. They replicate and repopulate and become even stronger over time. Less susceptible to antibacterial...