Before I had my first little I was curious about the idea of cloth diapering and I really wanted to. I liked: it’s less toxin exposure right up against baby and toddler tender areas and reproductive organs and sensitive skin, it was gentler on the environment, & it was WAY cheaper than disposable diapering over the course of diapering months and years. As I looked into it I was at first overwhelmed by terms, poo, wash routines, and so on. I finally found a couple tutorials on YouTube that made it so easy to understand. One vlogger said, “What it comes down to is… it’s just laundry.”
I went all in. Bought 36 pocket diapers in adjustable sizing and did exclusive cloth for a good chunk of time. It really is JUST laundry. We added a second baby 16 months after the first was born and once she was big enough (10lbs), I bought her her own stash of @grovia one size diapers. I’ve had them both in cloth about 80% of the time or more since.
On trips and overnight we use a low to no toxin brand. I love @bambonatureusa They work great and I feel good about using them the small portion of time the littles are out of cloth.
It truly is manageable or I wouldn’t do it. For over 3 years I logged nearly every diaper change into a baby app and we’re WELL over 😳 10,000 diaper changes between the two littles 🤯 72 cloth diapers used time and time again have carried the bulk of those 10,000 + changes. Even at a bargain brand price, for 2 kids, 10,000 x 0.20 = $2,000. And we’re over 10,000 changes here and not done yet. Most families will spend thousands of dollars on disposable diapers, which are filling landfills, and most are full of ingredients you’d never dream of putting on your babies skin. If for the money saving alone, it’s well worth it.
If you’ve considered using cloth diapers, I promise you, it is manageable. YouTube for yourself or DM me. I got you. If cloth diapering isn’t your jam, I get that too. Just here with some info I wish I’d had back when. 💗