This is not fun. Not a party. At all. We can still use this time for good. There is SO much good happening I can hardly stand it. I’m getting to peek into your lives a bit and seeing so much triumph in a time of adversity. So much overcoming. So much growth. So much GOOD.
We get to choose how we use this unique time in history. I know many who are continuing to carry on old patterns. Or returning to some old bandaids that bring no true healing. I want to remind us all that what we do now is important.
What’s our best defense against any virus, infection, offense, or invader? A strong body. A capable immune response. A fortified mind and spirit. This will not be achieved sitting idly by or by causing or allowing the erosion of our defenses.
We can use this time to begin or continue our good work of establishing, repairing, and maintaining our defenses. Becoming more proactive. When we leave our homes again, we’ll want a strong immune system capable of combatting and healing. In the interim it’s critical too, to keep our mind, mood, and body healthy.
We can choose to allow this time to be used to pretend the things we eat, use, think on, engage with, and do don’t make a big difference. Or maybe that it doesn’t really matter. But we know that’s not true. And when we emerge from this, that leaves us in a compromised position. Where we’re more inclined to react to a situation rather than having been prepared for it.
It’s not ideal. A lot will be survival. More screen time than we like. Not every best food choice available. Less true interaction, physical contact, and community. I know. This is not a party. This has never been about perfection anyway. It’s about making the best choices we can for whatever season we are in. You’re doing a good work. It’s making a difference.
This season will pass. How we use this time can determine how we fare during and beyond this season. Daily choices matter. Let’s take advantage of this opportunity and be proactive: acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes. We are going to come out of this stronger than before. It matters. You’re becoming more