Tag: #antibioticresistance

Microbiome 101

Microbiome 101

Your gut starts at your lips and ends at … your end. The gut is where your body interacts the most with the outside world. It is the frontline of your immune system. It is impacted by all you eat, drink, breathe, and come into contact with. Around 100 trillion...
99.9% of Bacteria

99.9% of Bacteria

The strongest survive. The bacteria less susceptible to conventional antibacterial and antimicrobial elimination methods live on. They multiply. They grow in numbers. They replicate and repopulate and become even stronger over time. Less susceptible to antibacterial...
Bacteria Is Not The Bad Guy

Bacteria Is Not The Bad Guy

Microbiome = microbial (microscopic organisms) + biome (community) These communities of tiny organisms, when properly balanced, serve and protect, rather than harm us. Bacteria play critical roles in the function of virtually every system of the body. Studies continue...