Tag: #asthma

Mattress Improvement Tips

Mattress Improvement Tips

We spend around 1/3 of our lives in bed. For most people, the majority of time spent in the home is spent right here. Lots to say about this space but for right now I want to focus on just the actual bed. Specifically the mattress. But not replacing the whole...
Bleach Swaps

Bleach Swaps

A little more about bleach: The main ingredient in most chlorine bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite. It’s pretty toxic. ⚠️ Bleach is a known asthmagen. It can exacerbate existing asthma and it can also contribute to new asthma diagnoses. Bleach also has links to...


Bleach was one of the tougher things for me to let go of. I didn’t think I could do loads of white laundry without it. It was one of the later things I tried to replace or just remove. I knew it had to go but kind of ignored how toxic it is so I could hang on to it a...
Chlorine and Vitamin C

Chlorine and Vitamin C

I know summer is wrapping up for many as school starts up again but it’s still warming up in SoCal and this helpful tool is really useful year round. Chlorinated water is great for keeping bacteria at bay. It can also be toxic to our bodies. Chlorine has been linked...
Candle Swap

Candle Swap

🕯 I was a scented candle girl for a very long time. I stopped lighting them when I began to understand they could be toxic. Now when I am in a home where they are burning, I can hardly believe how sensitive I am to them! I had grown accustomed to the damage.🕯 Regular...