Tag: #smallchangesbigimpact

Current Sales

Current Sales

Here are the current sales happening if you’re looking to shop. If this is not the right time for you there will be plenty of other opportunities. I hope this is helpful and happy shopping!...
Snack Attack

Snack Attack

Snacks really have taken a huge turn over the years. A snack ought to be a small serving of things that give you good fuel between meals, as needed. Most modern snacks are ultra processed packaged food-like products that not only trick your tastebuds, but begin to...
There’s No Size Fits All Anything…Except Jesus

There’s No Size Fits All Anything…Except Jesus

Ain’t no one size fits all anything outside of Jesus. It’s something I say often. We are each truly one of a kind. You are uniquely crafted and have lived a life no one else has ever fully experienced.You have been created for good and beautiful purposes. “I praise...
I. Wrote. A. BOOK!!!

I. Wrote. A. BOOK!!!

I wanted this incredible moment to live right here for always. Typing through tears. I never imagined this little girl from Inglewood would ever actually write a real life book. I’ve worked so hard on this. I was so nervous to share it with you. And then you go and...
We Don’t Have To Wait

We Don’t Have To Wait

What does it take for them to admit that anyway? We’ve seen it time and time again. Consumer concerns, injuries, speculation, lawsuits, product recalls, and everything in between. With more information at our fingertips than ever before we can either become...