Thirsty Thursday

Indoor house plants can impact the quality of your indoor air. By doing so they can improve your health and help make your home, office, classroom, or other indoor space #alittlelesstoxic

They look beautiful and their presence alone can help boost mood. But there is some science to the benefits of indoor plants as well.

Plants produce oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide. They can also:

???? reduce allergens
???? help mitigate mold
???? improve sleep quality
???? aid in relaxation
???? increase focus and concentration
???? benefit microbiome balance
???? help prevent airborne disease
???? improve mental health
???? perform as a natural humidifier
???? reduce formaldehyde
???? reduce benzene
???? reduce and neutralize other volatile organic compounds

I’ve been terrible with houseplants until I started watering on #thirstythursdays

It’s like old college days, but … not.

???? Indoor air can be 100x more polluted than outdoor air. Plants can be such a great help and it takes a lot to make a bigger impact. I don’t know if there’s an amount of indoor plants that can improve the indoor air the way an air purifier can. I employ both.

???? cheers to plants ????