Tag: #healingjourney

There’s No One Size Fits All

There’s No One Size Fits All

… outside of Jesus. No matter how healthy, beneficial, or amazing one thing might be for some, that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for every person. I like to give the example of my BFF turmeric. Turmeric is an amazing food. It is the root of the Curcuma...


It also is not uniform. Every single person will have a path and experience all their own. Each journey toward healing comes with its own unique set of hurdles, setbacks, and paths to traverse. All healing – whether it’s physical, emotional, mental, or other....
Boundaries That Create Freedom

Boundaries That Create Freedom

We were never intended to fear food. To restrict. To be burdened by health complications caused by or worsened by toxins polluting our bodies from what we eat and use. Choosing well isn’t for bondage. It is for our freedom. Freedom to and live and be more well! ✨ Able...
Small Changes

Small Changes

Our bodies didn’t become overburdened overnight. Many small things have added up over time contributing to whatever seeks to slow us down or impair our ability to live well. If there was some quick fix that was safe and took very little time and practically no effort...
Toxic Burden

Toxic Burden

Toxins are naturally occurring. They are produced by living organisms like fungi, bacteria, parasites, mold, plants, and insects. These have always and will always exist in nature. They are a part of everyone’s existence beginning before birth. We are born with...