Tag: #inflammation

Toxic Burden

Toxic Burden

Toxins are naturally occurring. They are produced by living organisms like fungi, bacteria, parasites, mold, plants, and insects. These have always and will always exist in nature. They are a part of everyone’s existence beginning before birth. We are born with...


According to a Harvard study and many many supporting peer reviewed research studies, you’d be hard pressed to find any disease or chronic condition that doesn’t have a root of inflammation. In allopathic medicine, the approach is far too often to quiet the symptoms...
Symptoms = Your Body Is Doing Its Job

Symptoms = Your Body Is Doing Its Job

Pain speaks. Discomfort can be a powerful tool for growth. When a symptom speaks and the first goal is to silence it, we create more issues. The cause of that symptom doesn’t go away. Only the messenger gets silenced. And only for a time. The cause persists and...
Staying the Course

Staying the Course

This isn’t about some radical overnight life change. This about taking the next best step. Making changes, big or small. Shifting our lives over time in sustainable ways. A drastic overhaul most often does not last. It’s possible, of course! And if that’s your style...
Epsom Soaks

Epsom Soaks

An absolute favorite in this home. Epsom Salt, or Magnesium Sulfate, is added to every bath we take here. There are many reported health benefits of adding a cup or two of this stuff to a tub for a nice long soak. A foot soak can be made if a bathtub is not...