Tag: #wellness

What Are We?

What Are We?

I just hung up a canvas that I had printed with this quote from one of my favorite humans for me to see every day. Where we do homeschool. Where I do Bible study and quiet time. Where I tend to emails and business. Where I visit on podcasts or IG “lives.” Where I...
First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

Once a year I take a look through my first aid kit and make sure anything expired or unusable is replaced. This is what my current kit contains. I have it in a water resistant, lightweight, but tough case that’s easy to grab and go. It lives nearby and within easy...
Our Thoughts

Our Thoughts

One of the most important swaps to make to become #alittlelesstoxic is trading out toxic thoughts. I caught myself in a bad pattern last week. My days often feel very frustrating. I have a list of things I feel important to get accomplished in a day. I try...
Impact of Inflammation

Impact of Inflammation

If you were to take a piece of sandpaper and rub it across your skin once, it wouldn’t really do much. It wouldn’t hurt. It wouldn’t cut your skin open. It wouldn’t leave a permanent injury. If you were to rub it across your skin every once in a while, …still,...


We are the gatekeepers of our own minds, bodies, and spirits. We get to choose to some extent what we allow in and what we help exit out of our lives. This year has been … a doozy. Life can be hard. Sometimes more challenging than we could have even imagined. I...