Tag: #lesstoxic

Do What You Can

Do What You Can

Stress is toxic. Worry does not serve us. We can aim to have a less toxic life and more wellness without becoming burdened. That’s the goal here. That’s why it’s #alittlelesstoxic and not some version of toxin free this or that. I don’t believe it’s even...
ALLT School Supply Options

ALLT School Supply Options

I spent nearly my entire life in a classroom. As a student, as a Para-Educator while earning my degree and teaching credential, and as a credentialed teacher. Never in my life did I imagine I’d be homeschooling, but here I am. A new teaching adventure begins here in a...
DIY Hand Sanitizer

DIY Hand Sanitizer

Hand washing with soap and water is best. Over-sanitizing is not my jam. There are occasions where this stuff is useful. Many companies have begun to make less toxic and effective hand sanitizers and I have some linked in my Hand Sanitizer Highlight. If you keep a few...
Updated Body Cleansing Spray

Updated Body Cleansing Spray

This recipe is for a 16oz container. You could easily adjust the measurements for any sized or type of container. The measurements aren’t super technical. Other favorites for this are a travel silicone goo tube or a glass pump bottle. For pre wet wipes, I prefer there...
Scented Does Not = Clean

Scented Does Not = Clean

It took me some time to get used to having my clothes and linens smell like fabric and not fragrances. I had been so conditioned to believe that those strong fragrances meant clean. They don’t. They can mask odors and also can be quite toxic. The term “fragrance” used...