Tag: #alltquote

A Mindful Response

A Mindful Response

Imagine if instead of First Responders, all that arrived in an emergency were “First Reactors.” Instead of a calm and calculated approach to the situation at hand, there would be more recording, screaming, panicking, running away, freezing in shock, … A mindful...


He said this in 1994. Before the internet was in our homes. Before it was in our hands.
Long Term Peace or Long Term Chaos

Long Term Peace or Long Term Chaos

I picked up this concept in a parenting book or child development class, or somewhere like that. I can’t remember anymore. But it struck me and is just so true. I think on this idea probably daily, raising little ones. But this could apply to so many other areas and...
Looking Forward

Looking Forward

Sometimes we look ahead to a special time like a birthday, a milestone, or the new year for a fresh start by lamenting over ways we feel we missed the mark the year before and promising ourselves we’ll do better or be better. We focus on failures and commit to less of...


When talking about the impacts of inflammation and gut health, many of you want to know where to start. Many also want a one step approach. A quick fix. A cure-all supplement or one size fits all method. I’m not totally sorry to say that doesn’t exist. I’m not sorry...