Ingredients: 4 eggs 4 very ripe bananas 1/4 cup melted @raw_farm_by_op butter or ghee or vegan butter of choice 1/2 cup nut butter of choice 1/2 cup coconut flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp vanilla extract Generous pinch of salt Optional: -As many...
Side Dish
Herbed (and greened) Rice
Ingredients: Ground meat (optional) • this time I used pastured organic ground beef A medium onion or large shallot 3-27 cloves of garlic 1-3 cups spinach Handful of cilantro Handful of parsley 1 cup water 1 1/4 cups white rice • soak overnight and rinse well to...
Stuffing ALLT Style
Full disclosure: I never remember to get a picture of my thanksgiving dishes because it’s a busy day...this is a stock photo ???? This recipe will serve 5-7. Double, etc as needed. Ingredients: 1 loaf of your favorite bread 1-3 cups broth (veggie or chicken) 1 yellow...
Salsas and Slaw
Salsas and Slaw Got so many requests for these recipes I thought I’d just put them all here together. Adjust the ingredients to your taste. And then don’t blame me if it’s not amazing. Because these turned out ???????????????????????? I’ll tag the brands I used....
Mashed Potatoes
Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes Add potatoes cut into chunks to the IP. Skins or not. Your call. Add 1.5 cups of liquid. Options include water, bone broth, chicken broth, or vegetable broth. All are great choices. Close and seal lid with vent closed. Set for 6 minutes on...
Soaking & Sprouting
Beans, nuts, grains, and legumes are all seeds. Yeah. You know how I learned this? My 3 year old asked me if a pistachio is a seed. ???? I’d never thought much about it. It IS a seed. The part of the pistachio plant that will enable new pistachio plants to form. The...
Grain Free Jalapeno Cheddar Rolls
Grain Free Jalapeño Cheddar Rolls Mix up a box of @simplemills grain free bread mix following the instructions for rolls. Add about 1/4 cup of pickled jalapeño slices. I used @riolunapeppers organic jalapeños and gave them a coarse chop. Include a drizzle of the juice...
Rice & Beans Bowl
Inexpensive and easy, delicious bowl of nourishment. Sprouted organic rice cooked in #bonebroth in the #instantpot + organic dried black beans soaked overnight in @berkey_filters filtered water and a splash of @bragglivefoodproducts #applecidervinegar. Cooked the...