Tag: #alittlelesstoxic

Quieting Symptoms

Quieting Symptoms

When a symptom speaks and the first goal is to silence it, we create more issues. The cause of that symptom doesn’t go away. Only the messenger gets silenced. And only for a time. The cause persists and although the body is powerful at adapting, damage on some level...
What’s in Season in March?

What’s in Season in March?

A few quick reasons to eat more foods in season when possible: 1: It’s cheaper. Not surprisingly, it costs a lot of money to have food shipped or flown or trucked in from climates able to grow foods not currently in season where you live. That cost and others incurred...
Our Thoughts

Our Thoughts

One of the most important swaps to make to become #alittlelesstoxic is trading out toxic thoughts. I caught myself in a bad pattern last week. My days often feel very frustrating. I have a list of things I feel important to get accomplished in a day. I try...
Buzzword Trickery

Buzzword Trickery

We’re looking beyond buzzwords here. We see you, marketing tricksters, and we’re done being fooled. One of the best things we can do for our health is to start reading ingredient labels. Turn the container around. What is it made of? Is that what I want to spend my...
Dry Skin

Dry Skin

Healthy skin starts within. A topical treatment can only do so much when the gut is imbalanced and in distress. Topical support can be so beneficial while also giving attention to the microbiome and the gut. I started this post for you and… Oh my word. I can’t...