Tag: #alittlelesstoxic

Updated Body Cleansing Spray

Updated Body Cleansing Spray

This recipe is for a 16oz container. You could easily adjust the measurements for any sized or type of container. The measurements aren’t super technical. Other favorites for this are a travel silicone goo tube or a glass pump bottle. For pre wet wipes, I prefer there...
Tip to Avoid Overwhelm

Tip to Avoid Overwhelm

Waiting until something is completely empty typically leaves us with limited time to replace it. In our haste, we’ll grab the same old same old or whatever is easily accessible. Leaving some wiggle room allows time for research, shopping, or shipping. It also allows...
Reducing, Not Adding

Reducing, Not Adding

There is no magic product. There is no quick fix. There is no one size fits all solution. My very first step in learning how my body was reacting to my way of life was an elimination diet. I couldn’t see how my body was reacting to my regularly consumed foods until...


We were never meant to live in fear. To fear food. To restrict. To be burdened by health complications caused or worsened by toxins polluting our bodies from what we eat and use and are exposed to. Choosing well isn’t for bondage. It is for our freedom. Freedom to be...
Supporting Our Immune Systems

Supporting Our Immune Systems

☀️ Sunshine. Not too little. Not too much. What we consume & are exposed to, + our genetic make up can determine the amount of sunshine that is optimal for us. The sun is a friend and has multiple benefits to the body including improving immune function. (PMID:...