Tag: #allt

Check Engine Light

Check Engine Light

🚘 If this light came on in your car, and you made it your goal to quickly and easily just shut the alert off and not investigate why the light came on in the first place, the reason it came on would still be there. If something in the motor is out of balance or...
Updated Body Cleansing Spray

Updated Body Cleansing Spray

This recipe is for a 16oz container. You could easily adjust the measurements for any sized or type of container. The measurements aren’t super technical. Other favorites for this are a travel silicone goo tube or a glass pump bottle. For pre wet wipes, I prefer there...


We were never meant to live in fear. To fear food. To restrict. To be burdened by health complications caused or worsened by toxins polluting our bodies from what we eat and use and are exposed to. Choosing well isn’t for bondage. It is for our freedom. Freedom to be...
Supporting Our Immune Systems

Supporting Our Immune Systems

☀️ Sunshine. Not too little. Not too much. What we consume & are exposed to, + our genetic make up can determine the amount of sunshine that is optimal for us. The sun is a friend and has multiple benefits to the body including improving immune function. (PMID:...
One Foot in Front of the Other

One Foot in Front of the Other

I want you to try something. Stand up and take the biggest step you can take. Then slide that front foot out a little further … Take notice of how you feel. A bit unstable. Easy to knock down. Possibly even injured and unable to take another step. Taking the...