Tag: #toxins



We were never meant to live in fear. To fear food. To restrict. To be burdened by health complications caused or worsened by toxins polluting our bodies from what we eat and use and are exposed to. Choosing well isn’t for bondage. It is for our freedom. Freedom to be...


If you haven’t popped a spray top on your peroxide yet, it’s go time. I’m regularly talking about how I don’t like to disinfect or sanitize my person or my environment. My priority is protecting and preserving my health in part by maintaining the beautiful and...
Chlorine and Vitamin C

Chlorine and Vitamin C

Chlorinated water is great for keeping bacteria at bay. It can also be toxic to our bodies. Chlorine has been linked to health issues including respiratory disease, allergies, skin irritation, and even some cancers. Our skin is a living organism and the largest organ...
Opportunity to Grow

Opportunity to Grow

This is not fun. Not a party. At all. We can still use this time for good. There is SO much good happening I can hardly stand it. I’m getting to peek into your lives a bit and seeing so much triumph in a time of adversity. So much overcoming. So much growth. So much...
Staying the Course

Staying the Course

This isn’t about some radical overnight life change. This about taking the next best step. Making changes, big or small. Shifting our lives over time in sustainable ways. A drastic overhaul most often does not last. It’s possible, of course! And if that’s your style...