Tag: #alittlelesstoxic

10 Ways to Support Detoxification

10 Ways to Support Detoxification

Here are 10 practical things we can do to help open up the body’s pathways for toxins to be excreted more efficiently. All 10 are low to no additional cost and will make a big impact in reducing overall toxic load. 🪣 The first step is slowing the flow of what is...
Unlearning and Respecting My Body

Unlearning and Respecting My Body

What I had been taught both directly and indirectly was leaving me in constant pain. I regularly contended with brain fog, fatigue, migraines, recurrent infections, joint pain, heart issues, and more. Less able to live out my purposes or serve others as I was bogged...
Lemon Infused Vinegar

Lemon Infused Vinegar

This is a powerful little combo for cleaning. Vinegar:✨ breaks down dirt, grease, and grime✨ dissolves mineral deposits✨ combats mold✨ antifungal✨ antibacterial✨ absorbs odors then dissipates✨ deters pests✨ inexpensive Lemon:✨ breaks down dirt, grease, and grime✨...
Able Does Not Equal Should

Able Does Not Equal Should

Having the ability to do something does not necessarily mean it is the best choice for you. You are uniquely made. You have your own individual circumstances, genetic composition, values, beliefs, and convictions to consider. I’ll list a few examples: Being able to...
Kids Eating

Kids Eating

“How do you get your kids to eat so healthy?” This is one of the most common comments or questions ‘round here. I understand. I’ll share what’s been my experience with feeding my children so far. I don’t get them to do anything. I make choices for them as their parent...