What we use on our skin matters. The outermost later of our skin is not commonly talked about although it is critically important to the health of...
ALLT School Supply Options
I spent nearly my entire life in a classroom. As a student, as a Para-Educator while earning my degree and teaching credential, and as a...
Microbiome Matters, Continued
The Oral Microbiome Gut health = immune health. It’s estimated that around 70% or more of your immune system is housed within your gut. Strong...
DIY Hand Sanitizer
Hand washing with soap and water is best. Over-sanitizing is not my jam. There are occasions where this stuff is useful. Many companies have begun...
According to a Harvard study and many many supporting peer reviewed research studies, you’d be hard pressed to find any disease or chronic condition...
Updated Body Cleansing Spray
This recipe is for a 16oz container. You could easily adjust the measurements for any sized or type of container. The measurements aren’t super...
Scented Does Not = Clean
It took me some time to get used to having my clothes and linens smell like fabric and not fragrances. I had been so conditioned to believe that...
Tip to Avoid Overwhelm
Waiting until something is completely empty typically leaves us with limited time to replace it. In our haste, we’ll grab the same old same old or...
Reducing, Not Adding
There is no magic product. There is no quick fix. There is no one size fits all solution. My very first step in learning how my body was reacting to...
We were never meant to live in fear. To fear food. To restrict. To be burdened by health complications caused or worsened by toxins polluting our...
Supporting Our Immune Systems
☀️ Sunshine. Not too little. Not too much. What we consume & are exposed to, + our genetic make up can determine the amount of sunshine that is...
If you haven’t popped a spray top on your peroxide yet, it’s go time. I’m regularly talking about how I don’t like to disinfect or sanitize my...
99.9% of Bacteria
The strongest survive. The bacteria less susceptible to conventional antibacterial and antimicrobial elimination methods live on. They multiply....
Dude Soak
If you made some DIY gifts with me for Mother’s Day, you likely have some extra glass bottles like this. This is a more masculine version of the...
Father’s Day Gift Guide 2020
I’ve added links to all of these items and more in my stories today. Many have discount codes too! I also added all those to a Father’s Day...