I choose to opt out of this experiment as much as I’m reasonably able. No extremes. Not out of fear. Small, reasonable, and sustainable changes along the way that compound over time. Because it has changed my life and so many of yours. Because it matters. We may not...
Anyone, anywhere, any time. We can make our homes healthier instantly and easily and without breaking the bank. For those wondering if feet can be as gross as shoes: my answer is … heck to the no. Unless your bare feet are also traipsing through public spaces, public...
Here are some ALLT things we’ve given our kids, are giving our kids this year, and a few little ideas for our kids as they get a little older. Brands will be tagged in the post when possible. I’ll try and link up as much as I can in stories ASAP. Easter is my personal...
What we put in, on, and around our bodies includes our thoughts and attitudes. Living #alittlelesstoxic is about so much more than food and products. As we continue to make healthier choices for those things, it’s just as important, if not more important to...
Lift that screen up for the betterment of so much more than just your posture, neck and skin. It probably shouldn’t be comfortable staring at a little handheld screen for long periods of time. Feel that discomfort in your arms and spend a little less time with a...