182,000 people in this community (and growing)) and we all have very unique bodies, lives, circumstances, convictions, and boundaries. It’s...
Medicine Cabinet Swap
This is such an easy swap to make your medicine cabinet and first aid kits A Little Less Toxic. @genexa uses the same active ingredients...
One Small Change Today
Nitpicking is not going to help anyone. Condemning choices is not the way forward. Not all or nothing. Not perfectionism. Not shame. Towards...
I. Wrote. A. BOOK!!!
I wanted this incredible moment to live right here for always. Typing through tears. I never imagined this little girl from Inglewood would ever...
Look Where You Want To Go
One of the top tips for mountain biking is to look where you want to go. That is, don’t focus on the things that might trip you up. Instead focus on...
Simple Steps to Make Life ALLT
Reasonable. Sustainable. Enjoyable. Do this with toiletries, food, personal care products, for sure. But also apply this to your thoughts,...
ALLT Tips for Bee Stings
My family has had more than our fair share of bee sting situations as you’re probably aware by now. Ezekiel tends to swell more than may be common...
Ctrl +ALLT+delete
BTDubs, ALLT = A Little Less Toxic I’ll get a DM every few days or so with someone having a lightbulb moment telling me they JUST realized what ALLT...
Let the Light In
This goes for the home as well as the human. The shades and windows, the dishwasher, and the washing machine should all be open as much as possible....
System Upgrade
Our upgrade isn’t fully complete here yet. Letting these bods do their good and important work while providing the support they need. When I shared...
We’re Living In An Experiment
I choose to opt out of this experiment as much as I’m reasonably able. No extremes. Not out of fear. Small, reasonable, and sustainable changes...
3 Easy Ways to Make Your Home ALLT
Anyone, anywhere, any time. We can make our homes healthier instantly and easily and without breaking the bank. For those wondering if feet can be...
Some Easter Treats
Here are some ALLT things we’ve given our kids, are giving our kids this year, and a few little ideas for our kids as they get a little older....
We Sow & We Reap
What we put in, on, and around our bodies includes our thoughts and attitudes. Living #alittlelesstoxic is about so much more than food...
Screen Time
Lift that screen up for the betterment of so much more than just your posture, neck and skin. It probably shouldn’t be comfortable staring at a...