No Fragrance

No Fragrance

A really simple way to make your home and life A Little Less Toxic: Stop inviting “fragrance” into your home. Read the labels on the things you...

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The Sex Machine

The Sex Machine

Damien and I got this fertility tracking device as our valentines gift to ourselves 4 years ago. He still calls it the “sex machine.” It’s been a...

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How to Live ALLT

How to Live ALLT

Living #alittlelesstoxic is about all these things but it’s not about trying to do them all perfectly all the time. Perfectionism is...

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Grateful and Aware

Grateful and Aware

I can be thankful for the antibiotics that literally kept me from dying at the age of 31 while also avoiding antibiotics for the rest of my life. I...

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Keep Asking Why?

Keep Asking Why?

It’s just stressIt’s in my genesIt’s no big dealI’m just getting olderThey’re just getting better at diagnosing these thingsI’m just tiredI’ve...

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Autoimmune Disease Blame

Autoimmune Disease Blame

Well knock me over with a feather. This isn’t news. But it is refreshing to see some news outlets sharing this information every now and then. The...

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Bon Ami and Why

Bon Ami and Why

Those other store bought powdered cleansers … swap them for this. Bon Ami. Just as low cost and easy to find and works just as well but SO much...

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You Can Create New Legacies

You Can Create New Legacies

As one year comes to a close and a new one is on the horizon, we often get a little reflective. We tend to think about changes we’d like to make. If...

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Health isn’t in the Extremes

Health isn’t in the Extremes

Use your imagination. My hands are the plates on a balance thingamabob. When fear is high, we can be paralyzed or impaired by that fear. We become...

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They’re All Connected!

They’re All Connected!

True health involves all three areas. When any one aspect is suffering or lacking, it will impact the others. Sometimes one area may have an acute...

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My Favorite Books

My Favorite Books

Here are some of my favorite books I refer to and read and recommend over and over. I thought it might come in handy for a last minute gift idea. I...

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Healthy Boundaries

Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries with your time, energy, resources, relationships, commitments, food, products, life choices, health of all kinds, and anything in...

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Serve Up Grace

Serve Up Grace

Whatever is served and whoever is seated at your table... Enjoy. Enjoy the meal. Enjoy the people. Enjoy the fellowship. And give so much grace to...

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